Real-time API for Iranian Rial exchange rates's API offers accurate and reliable gold prices and Iranian Rial (IRR) exchange rates for businesses. With seamless integration and guaranteed delivery,'s exchange rates is the trusted choice for hundreds of organizations worldwide.

  • Access IRR exchange rates for 28+ currencies and gold prices
  • Easily integrate data into your website
  • Accurate & reliable rates that are trusted globally
  • Flexible packages to meet your business needs

Format & Delivery

  • API is accessed via HTTP POST
  • JSON format

Plans & Pricing

At the moment, we accept payment via BTC (Bitcoin), BCH (Bitcoin Cash), ETH (Ethereum), LTC (Litecoin), USDT (Tether), XRP (Ripple), BNB (Binance Coin), EOS, XLM (Stellar), ETC (Ethereum Classic), TRX (Tron), and Dogecoin.


$480 / year

  • Live rates
  • Maximum 10,000 monthly queries


$960 / year

  • Live rates
  • Maximum 100,000 monthly queries


$1920 / year

  • Live rates
  • Unlimited queries

Note that the API license doesn’t grant permission to use the rates in a competing product.

Please Send your order to [email protected] and we'll send you our wallet address.
After payment, you will receive an email with your account details.

Please Note: Make sure to check your SPAM/JUNK folder if you do not get a reply within 12 hours.
Adding our email [email protected] to your address book would be best to ensure you receive our email in your inbox.

Parsing JSON in PHP:

$data = array('hash' => 'Your Secret Key');
$opts = array('http' =>
        'method'  => 'POST',
    	'header'  => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        'content' => http_build_query($data)

$context  = stream_context_create($opts);

$content = file_get_contents('', false, $context);
$json = json_decode($content, true);

print $content;

print "USD(Sell) = $json[usd1]";
print "USD(Buy) = $json[usd2]";

Parsing JSON in Python:

URL = ""
params = {'hash':'Your Secret Key'}
data = urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
req = urllib.request.Request(url=URL) = data.encode('utf8')
req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
r = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
prices = json.load(r)
print("USD(Sell) = %s , USD(Buy) = %s" %(prices['usd1'],prices['usd2']))